color of clouds

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Do you have enough love in your life?

Are you excited to live every moment of life? Or, are you merely dragging along with life -like a leaf floating in a slow stream - without knowing where you are going? Are you motivated and energetic to work towards your dreams? Or, do you lack motivation to put your plans into action? 

People who have enough love in their life find living life an exciting experience. They are clear about their dreams. They have plenty of energy to make every day of life special for them and for their loved ones.

How much love is enough? That depends on how empty is your heart and mind! The emptier is your life, the more love you need. Love is not necessarily only the romantic love. Life can be empty in many ways. You have enough love in life when you have least amount of emptiness in life. You can only judge when you have enough love in your life, because you can only decide when the emptiness in your life is at its least.

"Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for." ~Immanuel Kant

The first step towards happiness is to focus on getting abundance of love than on lamenting the reasons for not getting it. Think of the ways to fill your life with love. The following three ways can help:

1.    Someone to love and be loved
The first person you should love is yourself. Unless one loves and accepts oneself, one can’t love and accept others. Focus on your blessings than your shortcomings. Focus more on your strengths so that overcoming your weaknesses becomes easier.

When you can love and accept yourself, you will surely find your dream person who can love you beyond measures. When your heart is ready, it will attract similar hearts. Keep your senses wide open to such attraction. If you already have such a precious person, be creative everyday in making that love more and more beautiful and truthful as time passes.

2.    Something to love doing
Are you excited about going to work on Monday mornings? Or, do you feel stressful while thinking about Monday mornings? Everyone loves to play, not to work. So, the trick for enjoying your work is to convert it into play. That can happen only when you love what you do at work.

While choosing your profession, do not worry about whether or not you are good at doing something. If your heart lies in that activity you will become an expert in it soon. So, choose your work by heart, not by mind. Once heart is there, mind has no other choice than to follow. Most people feel unhappy and empty at work, because they have chosen their work as per their performance, not by their passion.

3.    Something to hope for in the name of love
You should never lose hope of getting the person and the work you love. However, even if you have got the person and the work you love, life can throw surprising challenges at times to check how intense your love is. Those days could be testing time for your core strengths and beliefs. You will need hope, more than anything else, to surpass these hurdles.

Love always brings in hope. Many so called impossible things were achieved because they would bring smiles to people whom the achievers loved. So, you can’t be hopeless when you have the person and the work you love.

For those who are yet to get the first two steps mentioned above, they should never despair. They should always remember the Universe will work with them to achieve their dreams as long as they are hopeful in heart and fearless in mind.

LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe. As long as you can make this force the centre of your universe, you will surely live everyday of your life to the fullest. Many people have already done this, and you can surely do it.



  1. I wish every body is wise enough to understand the rules of happiness and put these to practice. A global solution to all our problem in life which lacks a dream,passion and true work.

  2. I feel LOVE is the Creativity within us.Whether it is the love for a person, work, situation, thought..the intensity lies within the creativity part of it.Just like the intense imagination of an Artist, gets reflected in the work, LOVE magnifies itself in action and inaction too.

  3. Manoj, I thank you very much for sharing your thoughts so clearly in so few words; so few aptly and appropriately chosen words. Globally speaking, I agree with the 3 ways you have spelt out. For 99% of us-- the lesser mortals--, I agree with the sequence (the three ways you have cited) also.

    But, I wish to point out some exceptions for whom the "love for their work" came before "love for themselves". The first example that comes to my mind, is the mythological Greek God Prometheus. The Gods were withholding "Fire" from mankind. Prometheus' work was to develop the mankind. He saw that Fire was essential for mankind's development. So he stole fire from the Gods (the King being Zeus) and gave it to humans. For this act and some of of this type which he did to help Mnakind, Zeus punished him to unspeakable torture for generations and generations.

    In real life, we have many many human heroes whom I call "Prometheans". One of them being our very own Shaheed Bhagat Singh and his comrades; think of the hundreds of revolutionaries who have laid down their lives for human freedom and liberty, some of Odisha's sons and daughters of the soil like Gopabandhu, Madhusudan, Lakshmi Panda Sehgal and the like. Of course people of this ilk belong to a miniscule minority.

    If they hadn't put the "love for their work" before the "love for themselves", who knows, the road to our freedom and liberty might have been longer, harder and much more painful...

    Having said all this, I must admit that I am using the phrase "love for themselves" in a narrower sense than the literal and figurative meanings of your words convey. They way you have written, especially the First Paragraph under "Someone to Love and Be Loved", can probably be generalized to include the "Prometheans" I have mentioned above.
